What was that?

You know better than to let Alex run amok in a house that you’ve been put in charge of. He has a knack for being impulsive and making a real mess of things. After some negotiation, you’re off the hook for the house party, but you appreciate the thought. Alex is obviously still on the prowl for some adventure. He leaves you alone for the night while he finds some for himself.

It's very quiet all alone in the house. You’ve already located the bathroom, kitchen, and TV room (which is where you’ll be sleeping) all on the first floor. It’s strange, but it feels as if things are out of place or missing in the house. You suppose before you leave on a big trip you tend to rearrange things.

You’ve settled in just as the sun goes down. You hear a faint clamor like breaking glass that seems to be coming from beneath the house. Perhaps it’s coming from the basement. You locate the door that leads down into the lower level of the old home.